Would you like to get a great cardio workout while having fun? It doesn’t matter if you think you can’t dance – once the music begins and your feet start moving, a smile shows up on your face and you forget that it’s exercise!
Zumba is high energy and fairly low impact which combines for a workout that anyone can enjoy. We encourage you to listen to your body and modify moves where necessary. The only equipment you’ll need is a good fitting pair of shoes. Cross-trainers are ideal.

““Discovering Zumba was probably the best thing that has happened to me, next to giving birth to my two sons. I quickly fell in love with the easy to learn, exotic rhythms, being a Caribbean island girl, myself. Zumba is a cardio fitness program like no other and I am happiest when I see the smiling faces beaming back at me as we party to the music!” -Gail Rudder
Join us every Saturday morning at 8:30 a.m. right here at CFWLS!