Working toward weight loss is a conscious lifestyle decision; therefore the steps we take to lose weight must be carried out on a day-to-day basis. Unfortunately, incorporating these weight loss measures into our daily lives is not always easy. We count calories to maintain a healthy diet, but the numbers and facts can get mixed up with all of the other information we process throughout the day. It’s also easy to forget the next step you would like to take in your fitness schedule (for example, you may be gradually increasing the weight you lift when exercising). On top of these issues, it can be difficult to notice the progress you are making over the course of time. These are some of the reasons why keeping a weight loss journal is so important.
Your weight loss journal can be kept the same way as any journal—you can use a diary, a notebook or even a blog. One approach you can take is to plan your meals and fitness activities throughout the week and keep track of them as the days move forward. It is also helpful to include information related to your progress including how many pounds and inches you have lost. If you feel comfortable enough, include photographs of yourself as your weight loss continues. As time goes by, your journal can help you notice trends in your weight loss, which choices help you and which choices cause you to backtrack.
Your journal does not have to be merely a collection of facts, however. The path toward a healthier weight can affect us emotionally in positive and negative ways. Feel free to write about the goals you hope to reach through diet and exercise, how it feels to reach those goals and how it feels when you fall short. Journaling has been shown to relieve stress and will help you release some of the negativity you may experience.
For both practical and emotional reasons, journaling can be a valuable routine to adopt while working to lose weight. Keep in mind that you can write whatever you want as long as it is helps you along on your journey and keeps you accountable to your goals.
Get on the right track and let us help you with your weight loss goals. Contact us today!