It’s so easy to let life get in the way when it comes to losing weight and taking care of yourself. This happens even if intellectually you know the awesome benefits that await you. Don’t let stress, fear or being overwhelmed hold you back. It’s a fact that if you were at a healthy weight and took better care of yourself you would feel better, have more energy, be more productive and maximize your enjoyment of life and activities with those you love. So what do you do??
You are the only one who can set yourself up for success and make the necessary changes. I don’t say this to stress you out, I share this as a hard core reality so you can get past the anxiety of change and get on to less weight and more life! It’s up to you and we are here to help you get past your barriers – you bring the motivation and determination and we can teach you the rest!
Here are some tips to get you started in the right direction:
Know Your Limits – What I mean is that I am giving you a prescription (permission) to NOT over-schedule yourself so you can get some “me” time in. This means getting comfortable saying “No” to things that stress you out and prevent you from accomplishing your goals. This can be done in a nice way so that guilt doesn’t take over. Be sympathetic, but firm. For example “I’m sorry, I cannot do this right now”. Answer the “why” question if it comes up with honesty “It doesn’t fit with my schedule” or “I can’t do this but I can (fill in with something more reasonable)”. Honesty is always best so you don’t lead people on and then disappoint them later. It’s ok! There are only 24 hours in a day. If you don’t fill your schedule with the things that mean the most to you, others will fill it in for you. You will be serving them much better in the future if you are happy and healthy.
Get enough sleep and feel renewed for a change (not to mention the fact that your body will be storing less fat).
Learn to eat for energy and health not live to eat whatever is convenient and available (Weight Management University™ and My Weight Loss Academy teach you how to do this in your particular situation incorporating your favorite foods as well).
De-stress with creative and enjoyable (yes – I said enjoyable) fitness activities. You may not believe me but I have seen so many people who “hate” fitness work it into their life and now they don’t let anything get in the way.
Day to day stress will always be a part of life but if you are healthier and happier, you will be able to handle what life sends your way. Always remember, you are not alone. We are here to help!