Hippocrates, the Father of Western Medicine, said “walking is man’s best medicine.” Walking as a fitness activity is becoming increasingly more popular. According to the CDC (The Center for Disease Control) and the NIH (The National Institute of Health) Adults need 30 minutes of moderate intensity exercise every day. We recommend 10,000 steps a day! This helps you stay healthy and lose weight. Those 10,000 steps will burn between 2000-3500 calories a day. That could result in a 1-pound a week weight loss. Make walking part of your daily routine. It’s fun, inexpensive, and easy on the joints.
It’s even more enjoyable to walk in groups, which is why we started the ‘CFWLS – Steps to Success’ walking group. We are racing, as a group, across America. The race started in California and we’ve already made it to sunny Arizona. We enjoying setting goals, encouraging each other, and challenging ourselves physically. Join the fun! Just download the World Walking app on your smart phone and join our group at: https://worldwalking.org/groups/cik7y.
You need comfortable clothes, supportive shoes, and a fitness tracker. There are many places you can enjoy walking including: your neighborhood, track, water, park, treadmill, or the mall.
Stand tall, keep your eyes on the horizon, practice heel-to-toe walking, neutral pelvis, relaxed shoulders, contracted abdominals, and unlocked arms.
Weight loss, encourages bonding with other walking buddies, increases energy and stamina, lowers Blood Pressure, and decreases stress.
Add inclines (hills), wear a weighted vest, add skips or jumps, take bigger steps, or incorporate speed intervals. Walking longer and faster will help you burn more calories and lose weight faster.
*Former President Jefferson walked 4 miles a day and lived to be 83 years old.
*Walking is the most popular form of exercise in the United States.
*The average person will walk about 65,000 miles in their lifetime.
*Walking an 18-hole golf course is equivalent to about 12,000 steps.
In conclusion, it’s crucial to establish healthy habits. Move your body as much as possible. You can dramatically improve your health one step at a time.
I’ve included a short video to get you started! https://youtu.be/LOYcFLk3YWw