Have you ever wondered how a person can be going through a rough patch in their lives and still be happy? It’s called optimism. It’s an attitude and a choice that you make! You see those that look on the bright side of things, no matter what life throws at them. They are constantly complimenting people and helping others, which in turn that benefits them both. These people also seem to get sick less often and be in better health, in general. Why is that? By reaching out to other people and putting the focus on them, it makes you see that your own problems aren’t as bad in comparison. Being a giving person doesn’t just help the person you are assisting, it helps you too.
So try to take a break from yourself and for a week or two, quit trying to figure everything out. Get your mind on doing a kind deed for someone, help someone with a project, get involved with children. Children are great, they are constantly seeking to do something new. You need to do that, too. Get out of your rut and jump in with both feet, just like a kid would. What happens to your health and your weight might surprise you. Here are a few simple steps toward changing your attitude & reaching your goals:
1. Surround yourself with a new environment or a different task to do that will challenge you mentally, as well as physically. Get your mind off your same old problems. Look at life in a different way. If you find yourself trying to climb the same proverbial mountain, day after day, it might be time to realize that the mountain is not going away. Try to just avoid the annoying coworker. If you’re stuck waiting in a line that’s not moving, just breathe. It’s time for a change and a new perspective.
2. Go outside and observe your environment. What do you see? What do you hear? Do you see certain colors that inspire you? Even though it’s winter, now is a great time to get outdoors and experience nature. Quiet your mind. Stop and really look at your neighborhood, park or right outside your window. Then grab a pen or pencil and jot down what you see.
3. Take it even further, talk with people, see what new adventures they are taking. Limit time with negative people and seek out positive ones. Surround yourself with happy people doing interesting things and in time, their zest for life will rub off on you.
4. Register for a new class at your local school or recreation centers. This keeps your mind fresh and gets you excited about a new experience.
5. Volunteer at schools, hospitals, library and surround yourself with new items to force your eyes and brain to look at different objects and your senses will be tuned in to your new environment. Challenge yourself. You will be a new person, with optimism abounding, no matter what life throws at you. This could be your day that is met with challenge, excitement and a new adventure to enhance your life! “Over time, your mind became more accustomed to elicit positive thoughts because you have stretched it to comfortably receive them. Train your own mind to be receptive to expect positive outcomes.