Whew! It sure is hot outside! These are what I call the ‘dog days of summer’ and they are the hottest part of the year here in Virginia. No one really wants to go outside (especially me) and exercising is harder in the hot weather. At least that’s my excuse. It’s a pretty good one too!
As I enter the second month of the Weight Management University program I find myself dreaming of fall fashions (and cooler weather). My weight continues to drop and I find that some things in my closet fit better than they ever have, prompting me to consider a shopping trip for the upcoming season. It is exciting to see the changes that are happening to me physically and as an added bonus even my mental attitude is improving. This might be because I am not so sedentary and tired anymore. The WMU program has eased me into all new eating habits and now after 7 weeks I automatically reach for the ‘right’ kinds of foods without even thinking about it. It has been a fairly smooth transition into healthier habits although I did have a bump in the road a couple of weeks back.
Although I was following the program parameters I hit a plateau where the scale refused to move for over 2 weeks. I must admit I was a little frustrated. Then came Dawn to the rescue! She helped me understand the causes behind plateaus and the variety of options that can help overcome them. Instead of trying just one, I applied multiple techniques and in just a couple of days the numbers on the scale starting dropping again. Yay!
I think it is absolutely wonderful that a place like the Center for Weight Loss Success exists, because in the past I would have simply thrown in the towel when my weight loss stopped and gone back to my old ways. It means everything that someone is standing by you to answer important questions, to cheer you on, and to simply listen. That is the surely the difference between failure and success.
So on to my next goal, which is to exercise more often. I look forward to walks in the park in the crisp autumn air but for now it’s the air conditioned indoor gym for me, doggone it!