Everyone understands how great exercise is for you. Sometimes it’s just the issue of finding the time and/or the motivation. Or, it could be the matter of finances. Taking fitness classes at the gym can be very motivating, especially when a loud and inspiring Aerobics Instructor is commanding you to push “out of your comfort zone.” However, the gym scene is not for everyone. Some people find it an intimidating environment. So, how are you going to get your workout in?….. At home!!!
For most people, saying “I don’t have time to exercise” is obviously an excuse because it’s truly about FINDING the time. If you aren’t able to hit the gym, or are unable to free up time during your lunch hour, the final option is working out in the convenience of your own home. It takes motivation to either get up earlier in the morning, or commit to exercising when you get home. That means putting everything aside: dirty dishes, folding laundry, doing the bills, etc… There will always be distractions. Let’s start making home workouts fun!
A 30-minute home circuit workout can be done three times a week and will provide you with cardio and resistance. Circuit classes are fun and the time goes by quickly. This workout can be done without having to purchase any equipment! AND, you can watch your favorite TV program at the same time!
First, warm up for 5 minutes. Example: walking quickly in place or briskly around the house. Or, stand in place and do knee lifts and ham curls. Shoulder rolls, back rolls, and step touches. Stations are 45 seconds and should be performed three times. Catch your breath between stations as needed.
Station 1: PUSH-UPS (hands on the wall, a table, or a couch for modification)
Station 2: STAIRS (step up and down or run up and down)
Station 3: TRICEP DIPS (sitting on a couch)
Station 4: MOUNTAIN CLIMBERS (hands on a table or couch for modification)
Station 5: SQUATS (either against the wall or in front of a chair or couch)
Station 6: PLANK HOLDS (hands on a table or couch for a modification)
Station 7: JUMPING JACKS (step out one leg at a time for a modification)
No workout should feel easy. Results come by pushing past your comfort zone and challenging yourself. The last 5 minutes is for cool down. Stretch all major muscle groups for 20-30 seconds. Stations should be switched out every few months to avoid exercise plateaus.
Finally, I would suggest purchasing a punching bag (the kind that sits on the floor). It adds fun and challenge to your circuit. Punching bags are great for your arms, legs, and core.

Our Sit & Get Fit DVD offers 2 great workouts that you can do at home – 30 minutes of cardio fun and a 30 minute strength training session to build lean body mass – get yours today!