Wow, has it really been over a month since my last blog? Sounds a lot like confession doesn’t it?! So much has been happening lately. It’s so true that once you break a routine, it’s harder to get back on track. I am happy to say that the sun has finally decided to shine in Ohio! However, we had to go to Tennessee in May to get a jump on warm weather and sun. We visited with Mark’s brother and his family and were treated to some great southern cooking. I was marginally able to stay on track. I swear everything that tastes good is high carb and sugar! At least it did there. I was able to offset not so good food choices with lots of hiking in the mountains and some exercise at the fitness center where we stayed.
Once home, I was amazed at how just a few days of eating foods I have avoided brought back hunger and cravings that I had previously conquered. Dr. Clark speaks the truth about carb sensitivity, (no surprise there)! Then there was my birthday, which included a yummy strawberry cream cake from my “friends” at work, followed by Mark’s birthday and his favorite ice cream cake and then Memorial Day with the first cookout of the season with grilled hot dogs, brats and hamburgers which don’t taste the same without a bun and all the “fixins”! Do you see where I’m going with this? I was doomed!
Fortunately my next Weight Loss University chapters were on Carbohydrates and Behavior Modification: Stress and Self Talk. So it was time to hunker down and refocus. Did I add that I was also in the process of interviewing for a new position at the same time? Talk about stress! It was hit or miss with my food journaling and exercising was sporadic. I needed my phone consultations!
Hunger was the hardest to overcome. Chromium helped but I still have weeks where I want carbs. So I put my big girl panties on and dealt with it. The positives are; I reaffirmed my goals, did my homework and reconnected with a new counselor. Dawn has been great and I was amazed at how much I relied on those phone consults to help me over the rough spots. She’s my lifeline to staying focused and problem solve. I am happy to report I am down to 155.6#. Can you see me doing the happy dance?!
On to my next challenge. We are leaving tomorrow for the Philippines to visit my husband’s mother and family. We’ll see how well I can follow the advice Dawn gave me.
Hope you all are having a good summer and look fabulous in your shorts and bathing suits! Off to bed……Mary Ann