While it is true that a lot of people want to lose weight for health reasons, it is also true that people want to lose weight to look good. How we look on the outside greatly affects how we feel about ourselves inside. People who are at a healthy weight receive compliments from family and friends, and this improves their self-esteem in one way or another.
In contrast, overweight people are often criticized for being heavy or excluded from activities and this usually has a negative impact on their self esteem. It may also lead to depression. Hearing hurtful words like, “you are ugly”, or “we don’t have your size”, could pull your self-esteem to the ground. Experts point out that people with low self-esteem tend to eat more. Using this as a defense mechanism and they may not have the will power needed to exercise to help lose the extra weight. This means, if you are serious about shedding the excess weight, you should start conditioning your mind first. Here are 6 positive actions you can start right now:
- Convert negative thoughts to positive ones. Negativity prevents you from achieving your goals. A good dose of positive thought will increase your drive to lose weight and be physically fit. Instead of saying, “I can’t do it”, say, “I can do it”. Instead of saying “I do not have time for workouts”, say “I WILL find time to workout”.
- Forgive yourself. Focus on progress instead of perfection. Losing weight and maintaining it is a gradual process.
- Don’t blame your genes. Though your genetic makeup may play a part in your body shape and tendencies to gain weight, it is still YOU who makes the decisions on what to eat and how much you workout.
- Keep track of your progress to help get you motivated. Keep a journal or a scrapbook where you post your weight losses and your feelings on your progress. It will act as an additional motivator in your weight loss journey.
- Seek out positive people who have the type of lifestyle habits you are looking for. They provide inspiration and will have a great influence on your behavior. Receiving compliments from them can greatly boost your self-image. We all love recognition for our efforts and this adds to our motivation.
- Be Happy. Your choice to be happy, healthy & positive is reflection of your love of yourself!